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R M B T last won the day on March 30

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95 Poggers


About R M B T

  • Other groups Forum Moderator,
    Crystal Donator,
    Onyx Donator
  • Birthday 05/20/1996

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  1. Great guide Softy ❤️
  2. Hi @ mcwassim@icloud.com , Can you create a ticket on discord and we can assist you quicker on there dude. Cheers RMBT
  3. Siickkkk update from the dev teams! Well done and I can't wait to get started on this new Wilderness Boss! Much love as always ❤️
  4. Hey Software, We are including this with overlord capes etc, we will be introducing money sinks into the game to keep the flow of cash rolling. This is in the works and talks with the development team! Kind Regards, RMBT
  5. Hi @ ItsaSecret , We are looking at implementing something like this for items that struggle to sell to keep the money flowing. Keep a look out on the upcoming updates within the year! Thank you. Kind Regards, RMBT
  6. Good afternoon @ Im Bruce Lee , After close inspection to the reasoning of the ban, we have decided to decline your appeal to be unbanned. This is due to the severity of the ban (RWT). Thank you for making an appeal. Kind Regards, The Simplicity Staff Team.
  7. Looking good Jsteeze! Love it ❤️
  8. Hey dude, can you create a ticket on discord and then we can assist you from there Regards, RMBT
  9. I can't read the guide but I can see a lot of time has gone into this with translating, thank you!
  10. Was this resolved?


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