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  6. Softwarev1

    I am back!

    Welcome Back Tokyooo see you around~
  7. I'm not sure how to create a ticket so ill post here I have gargoyles as a slayer task but they don't drop below the 95% threshold needed to use the rock hammer on them to finish the kill.
  8. Pioneer

    I am back!

    welcome back
  9. Tokyo

    I am back!

    Hello ALLLLL! My real name is Mitchell. I am a 4 year returning Simplicity veteran back in the Kevin era. I am also a 28 year old 6 year US Army veteran. I currently live in Maryland and it's not recommended to visit. Nice to meet you all! I am probably the coolest person ever hehe. Hope to see you guys in game! Sincerely, Tokyo.
  10. Hey are you still buying burnt food?
  11. Slowasshonda

    login question

    Hello, Forums and Client are separate, when trying to login in the client if it says invalid username it means the username is taken already.
  12. Simplicity Ultimate Iron Starter Guide(2024) welcome, so you think your strong will enough to make a iron account. In this guide my goal is to help you get a good jump start to enjoying the life of a iron! the iron man life is the hard knock life not being able to trade other players limits what you can and cant do in simplicity. however I'm here to tell you that doesn't have to stop you with enough work you will become unstoppable The Start when we are first starting a iron account or any account the first thing we need to do is to join the ::Discord and read the rules at the top of the discord and confirm the rules, same with in game make sure we check out ::Rules. next for all account I would highly recommend checking out sever media in the discord for any promo's that can give you a huge head start to making your account. last thing before the grind starts! make sure we ::vote and vote on all sites to try and get juicey rewards. such are $scrolls to help you get donation rank without spending real life money. $scrolls/donation rank will help you achieve those beautiful ranks. check out all ranks using ::benefits in game. The Grind time to start the grind! what we need to do at the start of the iron man is grind out 99 atk for the atk skill cape. this cape will allow us to skip killing armor at the warriors guide and go straight into getting your dragon defender! once you have gotten your dragon defender there will collection logs to collect. you should get a ruby box and some cash we will hold onto the cash for now. Hopefully if you were lucky enough when u opened your boxes you where able to get some $$$ scrolls for your rank once you hit $20 donation rank you can tele to ::Di and lamp the rest of your skills! to get max the unlucky for those of you that were unlucky the grind starts now and its a long one, the best thing I can tell you is to check out the ::collection and try to fill any of the collection logs that have boxes to get you that eailer donation rank! (easiest coll log to do as iron are godwars) simplicity has a amazing mini game called demonic lands that has amazing rewards however for those hardcore iron men this minigame can and will take your hardcore status so please be careful. for a guide on demonic land is ::Thread 9903.An huge help. while opening boxes you have a chance at getting a ss pet (soul split). these are huge early game and will help you stay awhile there are many pets you could obtain though raids also. the best pet thread to check out would be Pets - 1877. into the mid game The biggest things that can and may help you as a iron is the magic well if and when you have enough items store the magic well will take the item with a chance to upgrade the item for you! magic well ::thread 210. throw all your store up gear that you don't need in the well and see if you can become a lucky one! getting started into the mid game you will want to do all the ::events boss you can do! as these have great loot and spawn often you don't want to miss out! next you will want to start on the elite slayer, but only if you have 99 regular slayer. its a hard grind but most worth it! !note for all hard core iornman olm( cox) and infernal are safe deaths for you no where els is safe! we wish you the best luck on the journey of the iron man may the rng gods bless you!
  13. Simplicity's Quick Beginner Guide! (Last updated July 3, 2024 by Cameron and Jpmorgan) This guide aims to help brand new and returning players get up to speed and build a strong foundation for a succesful account! What to do right away... Join our discord server by typing ::discord in-game. Make sure to set up your notifications so you don't miss any in-game events! Visit the #server media channel for promo codes to help get you started! You are only allowed to a promo code once. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules! Type ::rules in-game Vote for a chance at amazing rewards. Type ::vote in-game to launch the vote site. Remember that you can vote every 12 hours except on Top100 which is every 24 hours! Max your combat stats by killing rock crabs or yaks. You can get to them by typing ::tp -> monsters -> rock crabs / yaks. Getting your first donor rank... Visit the warriors guild and complete the defender collection log by collecting 1x of each defender (bronze -> dragon). You can access warriors guild via ::tp -> minigames -> warriors guild 1. Note: You can visit the wise old man at ::home2 for a 99 atk cape which allows you to get into the warriors guild for free Once you've compelted the defender log, purchase 2x '$10 Scroll' to achieve Bronze donor rank allowing you access to Donator Island - ::di. Donation scrolls increase your in-game donation rank without spending real life money. Every donor rank comes with its own benefits, you can check these benefits out by doing ::benefits. Setup for PVM... Visit ::di and talk to the the old druid npc. Purchase the dragonkin xp lamps - these lamps will make maxing out your stats incredibly quick! Each lamp only costs 100m each. Get a 'Ring of Bosses' - the ring will pick up all drops for you and place them into your bank or your inventory, making PVM a breeze when you don't have to pick up your loot after every kill. Get a 'Superior Pet' - these pets give you unlimited soul split and can stack with protection prayers. To learn more, visit ::thread 1877 to see which pets these are. Money making! when your first starting off in simplicity money can be hard to come by. One easy way to help yourself and help the sever is by voting! but only vote when ::vpanel tells you your allowed to vote! Another sure way to make a bunch of money is by hitting all the ::Events that you can do as long as you keep teleporting back into the boss fight and do damage you will get a drop! Everywhere in simplicity is a safe death expect wilderness. Farming all the bosses in simplicity will make you money by collecting all the drops a boss has to offer and filling all the spots in the collection log! One of the best money makers in Simplicity currently is Elite Slayer. It's a grind but when you reach those 40-60+ levels you will be making tons of money! (more in depth guide on money ::thread 9988) Gear tips Most of the game's content can be done with mid-tier gear such as Sagittarian and hand cannon xi. Sagittarian / Scared Clay / Ancestral are great starter gear for any and all new accounts. We have a massive gear thread to help you by doing ::thread 1112 you can find all gear, while doing ::bis will show you the gear progression! Twisted slayer helm - Offers a 54% damage buff when used with Ancestral top/bottom Ring of Bosses- provides a 15% drop rate increase also picking items up and send them to your bank or inventory! Other ::Staff shows you all online staff / donation managers currently Entity Hider can be found in the runelite settings allowing you to hide other players in game (increases fps) ::Drops- give you the ability to search for an item and which monster drops it! ::events- opens all the world boss and the timer when they will spawn ::benefits- shows you the many levels of benefits a donator gets ::boxloots- shows you what drops you can get out of your boxs ::vpanel- to show you what your streak is and when you can vote! Most importantly, remember to have fun!
  14. Pioneer

    login question

    ill suggest to make a ticket on discord. but if you made an account on forum it wont be attach to the client you need to make an account on the client
  15. Ez

    login question

    Hi, So i just made this account and tried to login with it and it says invalid username/password? Is the account i created just for the forums? how do i login lol Edit: I also check my email for a auth link or something, but i received nothing (the page was stuck at loading when registering my account)
  16. We are pleased to introduce the Simplicity end-game item minimum price reference. This is NOT an 'enforced' minimum price but rather a reference starting price for which these can be traded at. For questions or feedback please contact 'Jpmorgan' in-game or on Discord. Updated by Jpmorgan as of July 6, 2024 Disclaimers: 1. Prices can fluctuate higher / lower due to current supply and demand 2. Custom variants may be traded at higher prices but are ultimately left to the discretion of buyer and seller 3. These are ONLY suggested starting prices and will not be enforced or punishable Armor Aetherium Set (armor only) - 3Q Emperor Set (armor and wep only) - 1.2Q Neptune Set (armor only) - 600T Ocean Set (armor + crossbows) - 120T Myth Set (armor only) - 55T Overlord Set (armor only) - 70T Weapons Godbow - 350-400T Neptune Staff - 100-120T Holy Myth Sang Staff - 20-25T Sang Sov X - 50T Rings & Amulets Emperor Amulet - 200T Emperor Defender - 300T Neptune Defender - 400T Overlord Defender - 20T Ring of Elites - 300T Capes & Pets Emperor Cape - 100T Neptune Emp Cape - 175T Overlord Cape - 20-25T Executive Drake - 120T Neptune Drake - 175T For other items please check ::thread 5511 for more suggest prices! Please make sure to check all pos prices for the latest market values
  17. Would need to pm Drogo to ask that.
  18. We are excited to announce the release of the new Summer Update, featuring the Emperor Massacre Expansion. This update includes a comprehensive array of new features and enhancements that we are sure you will love. The highlights include the latest installment, Emperor Massacre II, Additionally, we are introducing Tumeken's Shadow X, a powerful new staff, and Tumeken's Relic. Fans will be thrilled with the return of the Greatish Guardian Boss, and the unveiling of the Dragonic Summer Chest. Finally, we are proud to present the newest Fortified Masori set and look forward to seeing you enjoy these exciting additions! EMPEROR MASSACRE II Prepare yourself for the ultimate challenge in the realm of Emperor's Massacre II! This event is designed to push your combat abilities to their absolute limits. Hosted daily by the event organizers, this new version builds upon the ancient tales of the last emperor, promising even greater rewards and fiercer battles. To start your journey, speak with Algar The Immortal, who resides north of the Edgeville Bank at home. Once the event is announced, he will guide you into the fray. In Emperor's Massacre II, you'll receive 2000x boost to all combat stats, unlimited soulsplit, and the powerful 20x20 AoE on your weapons, making you a force to be reckoned with. and this time, the stakes are higher, and the rewards even more enticing. Event Mechanics and Waves The event consists of five intensified waves, each more challenging than the last. Survive these waves, and you will be richly rewarded. There is a total of 5 waves and the mechanics are the exact same as the previous Emperor Massacre event. You complete the wave and move on the next wave with more powerfull and bigger npc's. The waves have been displayed in order. Starting from 1 till 5: Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Big Rewards Each wave completion grants you a chance to earn Emperor's keys. The Emperor's Chest contains exclusive items, rare equipment, and powerful artifacts not available anywhere else. Additionally, completing the event grants you Emperor Points, redeemable at Algar The Immortal's reward shop for a variety of exceptional rewards. Emperor's Points and Rewards Shop Earn Emperor Points with each completed wave and use them to purchase a plethora of unique items from Algar's shop, including: - Exclusive gear sets - Powerful weapons - Rare consumables - Special pets with combat bonuses Event Enhancements To keep things exciting, Emperor's Massacre II introduces new mechanics and challenges: - **Randomized enemy abilities**: Each wave features enemies with varied abilities to keep you on your toes. - **Dynamic environments**: Fight in ever-changing landscapes that affect combat strategies. - **Timed challenges**: Complete waves within set time limits for bonus rewards. Important Notes - **Individual NPC Health Bars**: NPC health bars now display the correct HP values. Previously, if an NPC had 100k HP but typically only showed 10k, the health bar would not decrease until it dropped below 10k. Now, the health bar reflects the full HP, starting to decrease immediately upon taking damage. - **Wave 10 Portal**: At wave 10, there is a 1/10 chance for a portal to spawn, allowing progression to Emperor's Massacre II wave 11 if at least 25 players are still alive. The portal can also be activated manually when a respawn token is active. Players must enter the portal within 1 minute, or they will be auto-teleported home. (see GIF for portal) - **Respawn Token**: This can activate after any wave in Emperor's Massacre I with a 1/300 chance if a player dealt more than 1000 damage in that wave. It can also be manually triggered with `::toggle forceRespawnToken` (or `::toggle fst`). The respawn token instantly opens the lobby for Emperor's Massacre II to any player outside the event and guarantees the portal to Emperor's Massacre II after wave 10 for participants. - **Anti-AFK Mechanic**: This feature is now fully operational. Emperor Massacre II Specifics - **Total Waves**: 5 waves in total. - **Mythical Nuke Effect**: There is a 1/1000 chance on any NPC death to trigger this effect, which clears all NPCs in the current wave. - **Wall of Flames**: Automatically removed when wave 11 is about to start (1 minute after spawning the portal at level 10). Additional Changes Located at home, it now has a 'read' option to explore the story of the Emperor's Massacre and access achievements for both Emperor's Massacre I and II and a New achievements has been added for Emperor's Massacre II. We also decided to add a red drakeling pet in Emperor's Massacre II, with a 1/1000 chance of obtaining it upon completing the event. So? what are you waiting for. Embrace the challenge of Emperor's Massacre II, and prove your might against the most formidable foes. With enhanced mechanics, better drops, and an exhilarating new structure, this event promises a test of strength and skill like no other. Speak to Algar The Immortal and begin your journey to glory and riches today! TUMEKEN'S SHADOW X **Tumeken's Shadow X: The Pinnacle of Power** Introducing Tumeken's Shadow X, the ultimate upgrade combining Tumeken's Ornament Kit, Tumeken's Shadow, and two Sanguinesti Staff Xs. This staff is meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled performance within the Tombs of Amascut (ToA), making it the Best-in-Slot (BIS) weapon for this challenging environment. Components for Creation: Tumeken's Ornament Kit - Essential for upgrading Tumeken's Shadow to its superior form. Tumeken's Shadow - The core component, enhanced to extraordinary power. 2x Sanguinesti Staff X - Integral to achieving the final, powerful form of Tumeken's Shadow X. Key Features: Tumeken's Shadow X is the most overpowered staff available for use within ToA, delivering exceptional performance and devastating damage. Specifically designed for ToA, it significantly outperforms other weapons in this setting within ToA with remarkable damage, capable of hitting nearly double the damage of the Staff of Neptune, making it an indispensable asset for any serious adventurer. Tumeken's Shadow X redefines what it means to wield power within the Tombs of Amascut, setting a new standard for excellence and strength. REVAMPED SCOREBOARD We are excited to unveil the all-new, comprehensive scoreboard, meticulously designed to provide a wealth of information about your in-game progress and achievements. This revamped scoreboard offers detailed insights across various aspects of gameplay, ensuring you stay informed and motivated. Here's what you can expect: Skill XP Tracking Detailed Breakdown: Track your experience points across all skills with precision, helping you monitor your growth and identify areas for improvement. Player vs Player (PvP) Kill/Death Ratio (KDR) Performance Metrics: Keep tabs on your PvP performance with a clear display of your kill/death ratio, showcasing your combat prowess against other players. Player vs Monster (PvM) Kills and Points Comprehensive Stats: View your total monster kills and accumulated points, reflecting your success and efficiency in PvM encounters. Elite Slayer Level and XP Advanced Progression: Monitor your elite slayer level and experience points, allowing you to track your progress in this challenging and rewarding discipline. Achievements Points and Completion: Stay updated on your achievement points and the number of achievements completed, motivating you to reach new milestones. Collection Log Completion Tracking: See how many unique items you have collected, encouraging you to pursue and complete your collection log. Additional Personal Data Comprehensive Overview: Access a plethora of other useful information regarding your personal gameplay data, ensuring you have a full picture of your in-game accomplishments. This revamped scoreboard is designed to enhance your gaming experience by providing detailed, easily accessible information about your progress and achievements. Stay informed, stay motivated, and continue to excel in every aspect of your adventure! THE RETURN OF THE GREAT GUARDIAN We are thrilled to announce the reintroduction of the Great Guardian Boss as part of our Summer Update. This unique and fully custom boss is now located at the new ::guardian zone / ::summerboss. With new fighting mechanics and heavy-hitting capabilities, the Great Guardian promises an exciting and challenging experience for all players. Key Features: Unique Fighting Mechanics: The Great Guardian brings new fighting mechanics to the table. One of its special abilities involves turning half of its thunder into variant minions that spawn from the ground below. These minions deal damage, so be prepared and bring food! Fire Wave and Rainfall Attacks: The Great Guardian can cast devastating fire waves from all directions. Additionally, it has a full rainfall attack mechanic similar to the Dark Lord and Blood Star Boss, integrating elite-tier combat mechanics for an intense battle experience. Fire Ball Attacks: Among its arsenal, the Great Guardian also shoots out variant fireball attacks, adding another layer of challenge to the encounter. Event Timing: The Great Guardian event will be hosted every hour (60 minutes) and will automatically deploy when the timer is up. Keep a close watch on the ::events list with a timer to stay updated on every global boss event available. Prepare yourself for the epic battles ahead and enjoy the thrill of taking on the formidable Great Guardian Boss in this summer's update! DRAGONIC SUMMER CHEST FORTIFIED MASORI SET The Fortified Masori armour is a set of ranged armour that is a part of the newly released elite armoury in simplicity with our update. The Fortified Masori belonged to the Masori clan, famed as powerful wielders of ranged weapons during the Kharidian–Zarosian War. They were renowned for defending people from bandits exploiting the wartime chaos. It ranks as one of the best ranged armours in the game, surpassing the normal Masori armour as well as the Light/Dark Sagittarian armour in terms of ranged attack bonuses and hidden damage passive effects while containing a set bonus effect . WARMONGER DROP-TABLE REVAMP The Warmonger Health has been increased and the Drop-table has been revamped as well EMPEROR MASSACRE II ACHIEVEMENTS As you already know, we have added the Emperor Massacre II (2) to our Achievements system. DRAGON BOX Introducing the all new dragon box containing relics, keys, boxes and tons of valuable items and goodies. This New Dragon box is the most overpowed box we have ever made in Simplicity history and will be limited untill the summer event ends. This box will be only obtainable via donations. We try our best to push significant improvements to our Simplicity Server. Our team of developers have been working hard to address various issues and enhance the gaming experience for our players. The list goes as followed: Fixed Rune Knife visual Fixed Clan Chat Ranking System Fixed Drop party Individual slots for items Fixed Minor bug within chat interface Fixed Minor bug within Vote claims Fixed Minor issue related to Voting System Fixed POS command at Dusk Fixed Gregorovic Graphic bug at home Fixed minor Gregorovic bug when doing special attack Fixed variant spelling mistakes Fixed Chatbox Resizable bug Fixed Chat interface area bug We are excited to announce the addition of several new features to enhance your gaming experience. The following features have been implemented: Added 5000 Bonus-orb Trigger Added 10000 Bonus-orb Trigger Added Galvek Retreats Added Emperor Amulet (neptune) Added new Destructor Values Added Tumeken's Shadow X Added New animation for Tumeken's Shadow X Added Holy Ornament Kit To Telos Drop-Table Added new drop-table for Warmonger Added Tumeken's Ornament Kit to ToA Drops Added Tumeken's Ornament Kit to collection log Added Emperor Massacre II (2) Added New Emperor Massacre Zone Added New Portal token Added New Dragon Box Added New Elite Summer Box Added New Dragonic Keys (Dragonic Summer Keys) Added New Mythical Set Deal Added New Overlord Set Deal Added New Ocean Archer Set Deal Added Drakelings Emperor Massacre Event Added Emperor's Drakeling (not released yet) Added Dragonic Summer Chest Added New Scoreboard Interface Added New Particle System for customs Added New Texture loader for customs Added 1500 Bundle deals (3 in total) We would like to inform you of a recent change to the game that we have implemented. After careful consideration and analysis, we have determined that the following features have been removed due to a low frequency of use: Disabled Stone Chest Increased TOB Rewards Drop Chance Increased Solak Health Increased Elite Holy Myth (6) combat damage Increased Elite Sanguinese SOV (6) combat damage Algar the Importal has a been repositioned THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN, WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE UPDATE ❤️ - ARTHUR, SUPREME, DROGO AND THE SIMPLICITY TEAM.
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