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Pioneer last won the day on July 11

Pioneer had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

21 Alright

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  1. Pioneer

    I am back!

    welcome back
  2. Pioneer

    login question

    ill suggest to make a ticket on discord. but if you made an account on forum it wont be attach to the client you need to make an account on the client
  3. so it would be cool to have a one time only name change ?
  4. Vote if you want harambe boss in the game !
  5. congratz to all the promotion
  6. didnt even know you were doing this
  7. i can help you with that ive hosted it on another server before ( like 6years ago ) you can maybe ask kevin to spawn you temporary gear for the tourny could be 3 winner 1st get X amount of money or a good item ect..let me know when you're going to host it ill throw out some money for winner and i can be there to see and note who win ect..
  8. well im a tech/operator we make product for hospital /autopsie/dna test ect...been working there for 7years now


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