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  1. Simplicity's Quick Beginner Guide! (Last updated July 3, 2024 by Cameron and Jpmorgan) This guide aims to help brand new and returning players get up to speed and build a strong foundation for a succesful account! What to do right away... Join our discord server by typing ::discord in-game. Make sure to set up your notifications so you don't miss any in-game events! Visit the #server media channel for promo codes to help get you started! You are only allowed to a promo code once. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules! Type ::rules in-game Vote for a chance at amazing rewards. Type ::vote in-game to launch the vote site. Remember that you can vote every 12 hours except on Top100 which is every 24 hours! Max your combat stats by killing rock crabs or yaks. You can get to them by typing ::tp -> monsters -> rock crabs / yaks. Getting your first donor rank... Visit the warriors guild and complete the defender collection log by collecting 1x of each defender (bronze -> dragon). You can access warriors guild via ::tp -> minigames -> warriors guild 1. Note: You can visit the wise old man at ::home2 for a 99 atk cape which allows you to get into the warriors guild for free Once you've compelted the defender log, purchase 2x '$10 Scroll' to achieve Bronze donor rank allowing you access to Donator Island - ::di. Donation scrolls increase your in-game donation rank without spending real life money. Every donor rank comes with its own benefits, you can check these benefits out by doing ::benefits. Setup for PVM... Visit ::di and talk to the the old druid npc. Purchase the dragonkin xp lamps - these lamps will make maxing out your stats incredibly quick! Each lamp only costs 100m each. Get a 'Ring of Bosses' - the ring will pick up all drops for you and place them into your bank or your inventory, making PVM a breeze when you don't have to pick up your loot after every kill. Get a 'Superior Pet' - these pets give you unlimited soul split and can stack with protection prayers. To learn more, visit ::thread 1877 to see which pets these are. Money making! when your first starting off in simplicity money can be hard to come by. One easy way to help yourself and help the sever is by voting! but only vote when ::vpanel tells you your allowed to vote! Another sure way to make a bunch of money is by hitting all the ::Events that you can do as long as you keep teleporting back into the boss fight and do damage you will get a drop! Everywhere in simplicity is a safe death besides the wilderness. Farming all the bosses in simplicity will make you money by collecting all the drops a boss has to offer and filling all the spots in the collection log! One of the best money makers in Simplicity currently is Elite Slayer. It's a grind but when you reach those 40-60+ levels you will be making tons of money! (more in depth guide on money ::thread 9988) Gear tips Most of the game's content can be done with mid-tier gear such as Sagittarian and hand cannon xi. Sagittarian / Scared Clay / Ancestral are great starter gear for any and all new accounts. We have a massive gear thread to help you by doing ::thread 1112 you can find all gear, while doing ::bis will show you the gear progression! Twisted slayer helm - Offers a 54% damage buff when used with Ancestral top/bottom Ring of Bosses- provides a 15% drop rate increase also picking items up and send them to your bank or inventory! Other ::Staff shows you all online staff / donation managers currently Entity Hider can be found in the runelite settings allowing you to hide other players in game (increases fps) ::Drops- give you the ability to search for an item and which monster drops it! ::events- opens all the world boss and the timer when they will spawn ::benefits- shows you the many levels of benefits a donator gets ::boxloots- shows you what drops you can get out of your boxs ::vpanel- to show you what your streak is and when you can vote! Most importantly, remember to have fun!
  2. Hello, I would like to know if you can help me recover my account. I haven't been able to log in for a couple of days and it says that my password is incorrect. I try to change it but it won't let me. I would be very grateful if you could help me. Thanks so much.
  3. Demonic Lands Guide Before You Start Demonic lands brings you back to Treasure island where you have to defeat demonic monsters to continue to the next stage. You will spawn inside the mini-game with a special custom set that contains dark magic "Demonic celestial" together with the powerful Demonic staff (AoE). * You don't need any gear, as you will be given full magic equipment when going through the portal. * You don't need anything in you inventory. After the first wave you will be provided with some resources. * If using regular prayer its recommend to have level 43 prayer at the minimum for the protect from melee prayer and if you have level 77 prayer its recommended to use Augury, as you are using magic the whole time. * If your using curses its recommended to have level 71 prayer for deflect from melee and level 95 prayer for torment. * DO NOT TAKE ANY PETS/FAMILIARS INSIDE AS YOU RUN THE RISK OF LOOSING THEM !!! Level One * As you step through the portal and begin. You will want to turn on protect from melee or defect from melee. * Take out the spawns. * Once spawns are killed click on either chest in the center. * Use a Overload Potion and step through the the yellow portal in the center, in between the fires. Level Two * In level 2 "Throne hall" you will find new weapon upgrades and supply chests that will help you progress through the mini-game. Every wave comes with various unique monsters and mechanics that need to be mastered in order to continue to the next stage. * On Level Two there will be three waves. * You will want to focus on the southern area where I'm standing as It will give you more time to see enemies coming your way. Wave One * There will be a group of spawns that you you can kill quick as they are grouped up. Wave Two * There will be a group of spawns that you you can kill quick as they are grouped up. * There will be ghost spawns called " Summoned Soul" be careful they can one shot !! you will see them on your mini map walking towards you. Kill them before they reach you. * A supply chest will appear. Make sure you have a least two inventory slots open and you will get a new weapon and cape. Wave Three * Wave three is basically the same mechanics. *About half way through wave three you will see two ghost spawns. Kill the one in the north first. *After you tag the northern ghost you can run east and attack the second ghost and run, don't let it get close as they can one hit you! *Run back to that spot in the south so you can see the spawns coming in easier. *There will one more time the ghost will spawn. There will be three. One in the south, middle, and north. *Kill the middle ghost first and then run north alongside the eastern wall. Once you have some distance kill them both, might get them at the same time. *After these three ghost are dead no more will spawn so you can relax and kill the rest of the spawns in the center of the room. * Once all spawns are killed a chest will spawn to the east. * After you collect from the chest enter the portal in the center of the room. Level Three * Once reaching level 3: "The Necromancer", you will have to go through 10 waves, including 2 boss waves, before facing the final boss. A secret Treasure room entrance will spawn once the final boss is defeated. * No need to move let the spawn come to you. * You will get another supply drop which has a ring and a amulet that will help boost your mage damage. * Once looted prepare for more spawns. * You will get one more supply drop which will have a overload cape. * Once you get your Overlord cape the Necromance will spawn in. * In the fight with the Necromancer be careful as they can disable your prayer. Make sure you have protect from melee or delefect melee on! * You can hit him and run to the middle or stand where there is no fire, the fire will do a lot of damage so be careful! * Once the Necromancer is killed stick around where the Necromancer was. Two more will spawn. * As you run east to the second Necromancer you will pass the Supply Drop on this level. * Kill the second Necromancer. * There are a total of ten waves on level three with the last one being a Giant Necromancer. * Once the Giant Necromancer is killed you are done and can go through the door in the north to enter the treasure room. The Treasure Room You will be rewarded with 100 Demonic points and one roll from the treasure chest for completing the mini-game. The best rewards from the chest are the Demonic relic, Roseblood set and Infernal box. The Demonic Merchant The Demonic merchant is located next to the Demonic lands portal, he lets you exchange your demonic points for items in his store. You will get rewarded with 100 demonic points for completing the mini-game every time. The merchant also has a list of achievements available for the real mini-game grinders that like to earn rewards. There is also a collection log added for Demonic lands. Demonic Tribrid Set The Demonic lands mini-game comes with a lot of rewards as listed in the previous parts of the update log, however there is also a special custom set added to the Demonic merchant shop. The first Tribrid with textures that also possesses the same set effect damage boost as Celestial, Sacred clay & the Sagittarian set. The Demonic set is highly exclusive and only available to get from the Demonic merchant store. Good Luck Grinding !!
  4. Beginners guide for non / bad English speakers (in Hungarian language) Először is szeretnék üdvözölni mindenkit a magyar nyelvű „Tutorial” fórumon. Első sorban szeretném mindenkinek javasolni az alap „Yes show me the tutorial”-t amelyet a szerver csatlakozásakor felkínálnak. A legfontosabb dolog, hogy ez a szerver 99% ban egy PVM szerver, ami azt jelenti, hogy „szinte” nincs PVP. · AFK Zones: Ezen a szerveren összesen 3 különböző felhasználóval is bejelentkezhetsz. Ebből 2-vel farmolhatsz problémamentesen az AFK-Zónában, illetve: home (Edgeville) ben. · Events: Nagyon sok Event van ennek köszönhetően, hogy ez egy PVM szerver. Az event listát az ::events paranccsal nyithatjuk meg. · Shops: Alapvetően, mint minden RSPS szerveren vannak a normál shopok ::shops melyekben az alapvető felszerelésekhez lehet jutni. De ezen a szerveren megtalálhatóak a GE illetve egy „PoS” nevezetű rendszer mellyel könnyedén túladhatsz és vehetsz dolgokat a többi játékostól. · Teleports: ::tp - ::teleport paranccsal illetve a - ikonra kattintva kiválaszthatjuk hova / melyik „Boss”, etc. – szörnyhöz szeretnénk tele portálni. · Skills: Az alapvető „Combat” skill-eket a ::train paranccsal eljutva a „Rock Crabs” ekhez melyekkel egyszerűen léphetünk szinteket. Az összes többi Skilleket pl.: Mining, Woodcutting, etc. egyszerűen az ikonokra kattintva eljuthatunk azokra a helyekre, ahol könnyedén szinteződ hetünk. · Drops: ::drops Feldob egy olyan ablakot melyben rákereshetünk a kiszemelt szörnyre és megnézhetjük mely dolgokat dob nekünk megölésük után. · Parancsok: Minden egyéb parancsokhoz, segítség kéréshez akár bármilyen más szörny vagy kellék segédlethez a ::commands paranccsal rákereshetünk. · Rendszerbeállítás: Ikonra kattintva beállíthatjuk mely „Mod”-ban szeretnénk játszani. Lehetséges az „oldschool” látszat illetve a full képernyős lehetőség is. · Játék mód: Különböző játékmódok választhatóak ezen a szerveren mint például: „normal” – „Standard Iron” – „hardcore iron” – „Ultimate iron” – „group iron” – „Realism” o Normal: A normál játékmóddal nagyon egyszerüen elmagyarázva minden lehetséges – nagyon sok fejlődés és semmi korlátozás. o Standard Iron: Nem tudsz cserélni, szerencsejátékon részt venni, nem kapsz pvp – dropot játékos után, nem tudsz dolgokat felvenni melyeket más játékosok dobtak le a földre. Nem kapsz dropot azok a szörnyek után melyeket más játékos is megsebzett. o Hardcore Iron: Szinte ugyanaz, mint a Standard iron a különbség az, hogy itt, ha egyszer meghalsz akkor vége. Visszaleszel rangsorolva Standard Ironban. o Ultimate Iron: Szintén, mint a Standard Iron, de itt nem használhatsz Bankot. o Group Iron: Mint a nevében is benne van, olyan a játékmód, mint a Standard Ironnak de itt cserélhetsz másik „Group Iron” módban játszó játékossal. o Realism: 25x xp – többlet, illetve 5% magasabb a lehetőség arra, hogy a szörnyek dobjanak valamit a halálukkor. Ebben a módban, ha meghalsz elveszted a cuccaidat. Pénzhez jutási lehetőségek: Voting: ::vote paranccsal – szavazhatunk a szerverre, a szavazás után, kapni fogunk „vote Scrolls” okat melyeket el is adhatunk vagy felhasználhatjuk őket és pontokat szerezhetünk melyekkel a „vote store” ban különböző dolgokat vásárolhatunk. 6 oldalon kell szavazni, melyekből 1 oldalon (Top100Arena) csak 24 óránként lehet a többin 12 óránként. Donator Ranks: ::benefits paranccsal meg nyitódik a simplicity oldalon egy lista melyen felvannak tüntetve melyik rank-al mit lehet elérni milyen dolgok adódnak még hozzá a játékhoz. Events: Minden „Boss” eventhez nyugodtan csatlakozhatsz, nem számít, ha meghalsz, egy minimum sebzést kell bevinni a szörnyeknek és a szörny drop garantált. Boxes: Ezen a szerveren nagyon sok féle box van a legegyszerűbb Mystery boksz- tól a nagyon drága Neptun/Drogo Loco Boxokig. a ::boxloots paranccsal megnézhetjük mely Box milyen dolgokat illetve mennyiséget ad egy nyitás után. Remélem tudtam segíteni eme egy😉szerű „Tutorial/Guide” -vel, bármi más kérdéssel, ha online vagyok fordulhattok hozzám. Ingame name: Goodhex I would like to say a special thanks for the Simplicity Staff members for letting me do this non English tutorial/Guide.
  5. The game was bugging out while fishing. Specifically I was withdrawing a harpoon which was the last item in bank inventory. I was logged out and now it is stuck on "The account is already logged in. Try again in 60 seconds". Problem persist through restarts
  6. Hello, my name is Netflix and I've just created my account, however I can't actually log in through the client. Is there something I am doing wrong that isn't allowing me to do so?


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