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Sezy last won the day on April 4 2021

Sezy had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

61 Outstanding


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1,860 profile views
  1. Sezy

    Back pin

    recommend joining discord and opening a ticket
  2. if you can @ samuelduf12@gmail.com can you join our discord and create a ticket? We can look into this a bit more.
  3. Sezy


    Welcome back Bernie! Its nice to see that you are back!
  4. Sezy

    Voting Event!

    Hello there! From March 31st starting at 7 pm server time / est to April 14th we will be hosting a voting event! Its simple, all you have to do is vote! By voting you will unlock new tiers. When you vote please take a screen shot and send to any event manager on discord. MULTIVOTING / VPN VOTING IS AGAINST THE RULES! You will be caught and will be punished! This is your FIRST and FINAL warning for abusing this event. Bronze Tier: Vote two times earn a Elite Warrior Box. Steel Tier: Vote four times earn 1 Elite Warrior box and 1 Elite Magic box Mithril Tier: Vote 6 times earn 1 Elite Warrior Box, 1 Elite Magic Box, 1 Elite Range box. Rune Tier: Vote 8 times earn 1 Vote box! Dragon Tier: vote 12 times earn 2 vote boxes! Barrows Tier: vote 14 times earn 3 vote boxes! Bandos Tier: Vote 16 times earn 4 vote boxes! Torva Tier: Vote 20 times earn 1 Sapphire box! Justiciar Tier: Vote 24 times earn 2 Sapphire boxes! Masterwork Tier: Vote 28 times earn 1 Emerald box and a MYSTERY PRIZE! Once again! MULTIVOTING / VPN VOTING IS AGAINST THE RULES! You will be caught and will be punished! This is your FIRST and FINAL warning for abusing this event.
  5. How did you find about Simplicity?: Runelocus What is your favorite gamemode?: All of them your favorite activity to do in Simplicity? chill at gamble If you could bring 1 thing to a deserted island, what would it be?: fishing net How would you rate the server from 1-10?: 9.89323/10 What's your IGN?: Sezy
  6. It was a lot of fun! cant wait to have some more of these in game!
  7. Fun event! I am looking forward to everyones fashion scape! This is my fashion gear. Have my boi mole for support.
  8. You the MVP! Thanks for keeping the community informed!
  9. Congrats to my boy @ Skovos Keep it up man and earn that next rank. @ Fatgolemnutz Welcome to the team, charmie is an excellent resource. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. As for me stepping down, it was fun. Unfortunately gotta deal with irl stuff.
  10. Gz, and welcome to the club man. Pm me in game or discord if you need any help ❤️


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