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Dro last won the day on August 29

Dro had the most liked content!

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15 Decent

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  1. Quality as usual, never ceases to amaze me how many things get fixed and added every update. Happy Birthday Simplicity!
  2. Can't wait to see what a new era of planned events will bring, congratulations on being the first Event Manager.
  3. Very nice, I might actually be able to do inferno now that I can mark the right tiles to stand on 😂
  4. Not looking for ways for people to make even more gp, we're looking for ways to get gp out of the eco. We might be rewarding people who get to max exp though.
  5. Dro

    Re-Organize discord

    Sneak peak p.s. grats
  6. *Push CTRL+F to bring up a search bar How many thieving stalls are there at the home area? "5" What is the name of the server? "simplicity" What attack level do you need to wield an abyssal whip? "70" Where is the home area located? "edgeville" What mining level do you need to mine shooting stars? "80" What is the bandos boss called? "general graardor" What is the name of the clan chat everyone is in? "help" What boss drops dragon kiteshields? "King black dragon" What npc drops dark bows? "phoenix" or "dark beast" What npc drops whips? "abyssal demon" What boss drops dragon claws? "tormented demon" What is the level requirement to wear skillcapes? "99" What is the maximum combat level in Simplicity? "138" What defence level is required to wear barrows? "70" Where can you get void armour in Simplicity? "pest control" Where are revenants found on Simplicity? "ghost town" What weapon hits with melee, but it's special attack hits with magic? "korasi" What is the most powerful crossbow in the game? "armadyl crossbow" Who is the owner of Simplicity? "rees" Where can you get dharoks armour? "barrows" What miniquest grants access to barrows gloves? "recipe for disaster" What combat level are Tormented Demons? "450" What combat level is Nex? "1001" What combat level is Corporeal Beast? "785" What combat level are Rock Crabs? "13" What combat level is Kree'ara? "580" What boss drops dragon warhammer? "lizardman shaman" What is the best offensive range prayer in the normal prayer book? "rigour" What is the best offensive mage prayer in the normal prayer book? "augury" How many skills are there in Simplicity "25" Where can you get a dragon defender? "warriors guild" What is your total level if you have 99 in every skill in Simplicity? "2475" What trees do you cut for magic logs? "magic" What is the highest level rock to mine? "runite" Where can you fight other players for their loot? "wilderness" What is the cape for complete players? "completionist cape" What is the cape for max players? "max cape" What skill makes potions? "herblore" What skill lets you make weapons and armour? "smithing" Where can you store money other than the bank? "money pouch" Where do you store all of your items? "bank" What points do you get for killing bosses? "boss points" How many free slots does each bank tab have? "352" What skill advances your combat level past 126? "summoning" What food heals the most in Simplicity? "rocktail" What should I do every day to help the server? "vote" What skill do I use when crafting runes? "runecrafting" What boss drops toxic staff of the dead? "skotizo" How many dungeoneering tokens is an arcane stream necklace? "75000" How many dungeoneering tokens are chaotics? "200000" What is the cube root of 216? "6" How many time can you vote a day? "2" How many auths can you get a day? "10" What boss drops divine sigils? "corporeal beast" What slayer level does the master Sumona require? "92" What slayer level does the master Kuradel require? "80" What slayer level does the master Duradel require? "50" Who is the default slayer master? "Turael" What level herblore is required to make overloads? "96" What NPC will help you with your account security? "town crier" What summoning level is required to make a Talon Beast? "77" What summoning level is required to make a Ravenous Locust? "70" What summoning level is required to make an Iron Minotaur? "46" What summoning level is required to make a Spirit Larupia? "57" What summoning level is required to make an Moss Titan? "79" How much xp do you need to reach 99? "13034431" What is the maximum amount of cash you can hold in your inventory? "2147483647" At what level prayer can you use Hawk Eye? "26" How many Chickens are there at the Chicken Pen? "23" How many bales of Hay are there south east of Draynor Manor? "27" Which NPC will be able to give you a title? "sir vyvin" What is the 11th item in Explorer Jack's shop? "falador teleport" What is the 13th item in Explorer Jack's shop? "teleport focus" What is the 27th item in the Range shop? "snakeskin bandana" What is the 1st item in the PvP Pure shop? "tzhaar-ket-om" What was Herblore's name originally called? "herblaw" How many coins does a monkfish alch for? "3200" What is the killcount requirement to enter a lair in Godwars? "20" In what month was Simplicity released? "october" Guess a number 1-10? "1" Guess a number 1-10? "2" Guess a number 1-10? "3" Guess a number 1-10? "4" Guess a number 1-10? "5" Guess a number 1-10? "6" Guess a number 1-10? "7" Guess a number 1-10? "8" Guess a number 1-10? "9" Guess a number 1-10? "10" What smithing level is required to smith a Steel Plateskirt? "46" What monster gives the examine A vicious thief? "bandit" What monster gives the examine The tongue of evil? "bloodveld" What monster gives the examine An evil magic user? "infernal mage" What is the second boss to kill in the Recipe for Disaster quest? "karamel" How many points does a Void Knight Deflector cost? "350" What construction level is required to create Hangman? "59" What is the 40th spell on the regular spell book? "vulnerability" What is the 20th item in the Tzhaar shop? "toktz-mej-tal" What is the 19th item in the Farming shop? "potato seed" How many boss points does a Zamorakian Spear cost? "80" What is the 17th emote? "cry" What is the 24th emote? "goblin salute" How many Bankers are there in Seers Village bank? "6" How many items are there in the PKP Store? "76" How many Runes are on the Magic thieving stall? "3" What is the 35th Achievement? "fish 25 rocktails" How many Green Dragons are there at West Dragons? "4" How many Inventory Spaces does a Spirit Terrorbird have? "12" How many Inventory Spaces does a War Tortoise have? "18" How many Inventory Spaces does a Pack Yak have? "30" How many Agility courses are there? "5" How many Easy Tasks are there? "30" How many Medium Tasks are there? "31" How many Hard Tasks are there? "32" How many Elite Tasks are there? "13" Where is ::home2 located? "varrock" How much money can the Well of Goodwill hold? "1.25b" What is the 8th item in the Runecrafting Shop? "chaos talisman" Name the NPC that is wearing Torva? "max" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Farming? "tangleroot" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Woodcutting? "beaver" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Mining? "rock golem" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Fishing? "heron" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Thieving? "rocky" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Agility? "giant squirrel" What is the name of the skilling pet you get from Runecrafting? "rift guardian" Name the NPC that is holding a Bell? "town crier" Which NPC sells Skill Capes? "wise old man" How many Crates are there in the Varrock general store? "8" How much gold do you need to pay to get through the gate to Al Kharid? "10" How many thieving stalls are there at Ardougne Market place? "16" What object gives the option to Dump-weeds "compost bin" Which skill shows an image of a Fist "strength" Which skill shows an image of a Wolf? "summoning" Which skill shows an image of a Ring? "dungeoneering" Which skill shows an image of Paw? "hunter" What is the smallest country in the world? "Vatican city" Type the following ::answer jdj49a39ru357cnf Type the following ::answer qpal29djeifh58cjid Type the following ::answer qd85d4r0md42u2mssd Type the following ::answer loski4893dhncbv7539 Type the following ::answer 9esmf03na9admieutapdz9 Type the following ::answer djs83adm39s88s84masl Type the following ::answer alskpwru39020dmsa3aeamap What is the capitol city of Denmark? 'Copenhagen'
  7. Dro

    Prayer Draining

    Could always either buy Ruby or earn staff for endless prayer


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