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Alb last won the day on December 19 2021

Alb had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

44 Superior

1 Follower

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  1. @ Dmarvin2k Has chosen to resign from his Trial support role. We wish him the best of luck in the future!
  2. @ Dmarvin2k Has been promoted to Trial support! Welcome to the team!
  3. @ xfaz Has been promoted to Server Support. @ brad19 Has been promoted to Server Support. @ Ytmillsey Has been promoted to trial support. Congratulations on your new ranks and welcome to the team Ytmillsey!
  4. @ Garbage bin Has been promoted to Moderator! @ xfaz Has been promoted to Trial Support! @ Bradders99 Has been promoted to Trial Support! @ Lausac Has been promoted to Administrator! @ Ntho💛 Has been promoted to Head Moderator! @ Athos Has been promoted to Beta Manager! @ Alb Has been promoted to Forum Moderator! Congratulations on your new ranks!
  5. Welcome lil durk! Hope to see you around in-game!
  6. Love the suggestions. Will past it on!
  7. Agreed upon, will forward some of these to devs!
  8. Amazing suggestions. I will forward some of these towards the dev team!
  9. We will forward this to the developers!
  10. Construction has it's usefull features already like the restoration pool. Adding an armour stand would be amazing though to repair barrow's items!
  11. no clue if this counts but this was the tab from when I died.
  12. Alb

    Mega Slayer Guide

    Amazing guide! This will help a lot of players!


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