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Legendary last won the day on April 14 2022

Legendary had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

10 Okay

About Legendary

  • Birthday 08/20/1996

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635 profile views
  1. I left the server for a while but i'm back now 😁
  2. Another great guide mate! Keep up the great work Thanks for taking your time making this wonderful guide Looking forward to read more guides coming from you!
  3. Thanks for the amazing guide mate Thanks for taking your time making it! Looking forward to see more guides coming from you! Keep it up
  4. Hello guys and welcome to my first guide in Simplicity, i have decided that my first guide is going to be about the forums (For Beginners) If you are a new player to the forums and you don't know how to use it, this guide will help you for sure! Threads If you want to make your own thread and you want to share it with the community, you can do that buy going to any section or sub section you want in the forums, and then click on "Start New Topic" and then you can add the text you want and the title that you want. Note: Make sure to write in the correct section! Posts If you want to post your comment in others threads, you can go to the thread that you want to post on it and then in the bottom of the thread, you will see "Reply To This Topic" click on it and feel free to write your comment. Signature You can upload the picture that you want and make it as signature, so everyone else can see it! Go to your "Account Settings" and then click on "Signature" Note: Make sure that the signature that you want to upload is not against the forums rules! Email Address & Password You can change your password or your email address by going to your "Account Settings" and then click on password/email address Note: if you want to change your password, make sure to make it strong and different from any other rsps! Profile & Background Picture You can upload a picture to make it your profile or back ground picture by going to your profile page! Uploading Picture To Your Threads/Posts You can upload a picture to your thread or post by going to "Imgur" (or any other app) Adding Link To Your Words You can adding a link to your words in your threads/posts by selecting the word that you want to add the link into it and then click on "Link" and paste the link that you want into the word! Useful & Important Links 1) In-Game Rules 2) Forums Rules 3) Donator Benefits 4) Account Security 5) Vote 6) Store 7) Guides 8) Request A Rank 9) Award Request 10) Appeals 11) Report A Player 12) Report A Bug 13) Account Recovery 14) Updates Logs 15) Discord Regards @ Legendary
  5. Hello guys, i have made this thread to show you my goals for now In-Game Goals 1) Getting 99 in all skills without combat skills! 2) Becoming rich 3) Having 20 rare items Forums Goals 1) 100 posts count 2) Becoming the #1 active player 3) 50 reputations Regards @ Legendary
  6. Amazing updates, thanks guys for taking your time with making these wonderful stuff! Looking forward to see more content coming to Simplicity
  7. Hello guys, who can make me a free signature?
  8. Legendary

    I'm Back

    Hello everyone, i used to play Simplicity 1 year ago, i left it because of Irl stuff but i have decided to come back and start playing this server again! i will start playing the game with a new account! Nice to meet you guys ❤️
  9. Welcome back To Simplicity, nice to meet you
  10. Amazing guide, keep it up the great work mate! Looking forward to see more guides coming from you
  11. Hello Rytech, nice to meet you Congrats on your promotion!
  12. 1) Time Online 2) Adding userbars 3) Adding new ranks for posts counts 4) Remove the chatbox (no need for it) 5) More awards Regards @ Legendary
  13. Hello everyone, my name is Legendary, but you can call me Kemo, i'm 24 years old, i'm new to Simplicity! I have a good experience with the forums, so if you having a problem with using the forums, feel free to pm me, also i have been playing rsps for 10 years P.s I have stole the name "Legendary" from another rsps, because i like it Nice to meet you all. Regards @ Legendary


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