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  1. HEY AND WELCOME TO A GUIDE FOR THE RECOMMENDED ELITE ACHIEVEMENTS TO GO FOR EARLY ON AS A NEW PLAYER TO GET A EARLY ADVANTAGE IN-GAME. ALL OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS BELOW ARE ONES I HAVE USED MYSELF AND HAVE RECOMMENDED TO PLAYERS IN-GAME AND WILL CONTINUE TO RECOMMEND TO NEW PLAYERS WHO ASK FOR HELP WITH MONEY. The achievements can be found by going to the M Achievements section found here. (THIS IS ALSO WHERE TO CLAIM THE REWARDS ONCE COMPLETED.) TRIVIA KING - Trivia king is an easy achievement to complete rewarding with 3x 1000m notes and a superior combat box for help with this you can follow ::thread 44 (Using this command in-game will open up our guide on trivia answers to speed this up.) THE CRAFTER - The crafter can be completed by clicking on the crafting skill icon --> which will teleport you to the crafting area, from here you can use the Master crafter, and the Banker to level up to 55 and then begin to cut the 100 Dragonstone gems to complete the achievement. completing this achievement rewards you with 75x 100m notes, and a superior combat box THE ARROWS - The arrows is a easy achievement to complete rewarding you with 15x 100m notes, and a superior combat box. This achievement can be started by going to the Fletching skill icon ---> and from here can talk to Wilfred and purchase a Knife and Logs and can start crafting arrow shafts (1000) From here will need to use the fishing skill icon and click the first option ( General Fishing) can purchase Feathers here from the Master Fisher will also require 1000. Finally you will require 1000 rune arrowtips. These can either be brought from players/the POS (Player Owned Shops) Or can be self-crafted using the Smithing skill icon and talking to the Mining instructor to purchase a hammer and bars. This is the longest part of the achievement as will need to get a level of 90 Smithing to begin making rune arrowtips. THE ELITE KNIGHT - The Elite Knight, will require you to get a set of full Elite Void from from the Pest control minigame located at ::pc . Will require a small group of players (always easy to complete by asking in the cc for people to help with pest control) And can purchase the Elite Void by talking to the Void Knight Once you have acquired the Void knight top and bottoms, you can talk to the void knight and Using "Enchant Void Gear" Will allow you to Enchant your Void armour. Equipping this armour will then complete "The Elite Knight" and award you with 1x Superior Combat Box. KBD SLAYER - KBD Slayer requires you to kill 100 King black dragons, these can be found by using ::tp Clicking on the Bosses tab and then Clicking on "King Black Dragon" (THIS IS A SAFE AREA AND IS NOT IN THE WILDERNESS) Completing 100 kills will aware you with 10x 1000m notes, and 1x KBD Heads (SIDE NOTE: During the 100kills you could get luck and obtain the pet King Black Dragon if that happens you also complete "Pet Hunter" and get yourself a bonus of 3x 1000m notes and 3x EMERALD BOXES. MOLE DESTROYER - Mole Destroyer requires you to kill 250 Giant moles, these can be found at ::mole and will teleport you to the Mole Lair Here you will find multiple Mole spawns, Completing this will reward you with 15x 1000m notes and 1x Emerald box. THE SLAYER 1/2 - The Slayer 1 & The Slayer 2 is a two part Combo, To complete this you will require a total of 150 Slayer tasks and rewards you with a total of 250 100m notes and 1x superior box for "The slayer" and then an additional 25x 1000m notes, 1x Superior combat box, 1x ONYX box and 1x Sapphire box. To start with you will need to click the Slayer icon From here you will need to first select a slayer master, and then click the skill icon again to teleport to the slayer master (OPTION 2) I would HIGHLY Suggest you check out ::thread 5009 ( Our Slayer guide brought to you by @ Syrex ) This will allow you to find all locations of our slayer tasks, and which tasks should be skipped. (NOTE - SOME TASKS REQUIRE A SLAYER RING THESE CAN BE OBTAINED BY ASKING A MEMBER OF STAFF OR IN THE CC.) you can right click the ring and use the "rub" icon to be teleported to your tasks. THE PETS - The pets requires you to set up "The menagerie" in your POH (Player Owned House) You can start this by talking to the "Estate Agent" east of the ::home teleport Once spoke to him will give you the option to purchase a home. You can also trade him to buy all supplies required to complete this. YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING: Bronze Nails, Oak Planks and a Hammer. Once purchased you can begin to train construction by clicking on the portal and use the second option "Go to your house (Building Mode) Once here you will need to start by building your first room which will be a Parlour room Once built you will need to begin using the chairs to get your level up to 37. Once you are level 37, you will now be able to construct the "Menagerie room" From here you just need to construct a "Oak house" found by using the pet house space Congratulations You have now completed the pets achievement, and will be rewarded with 3x 100m scrolls and 3x Superior combat boxes. Thanks for viewing the guide, These have all been Elite achievements I have used myself as a early player to grow a starting gear and bank to be able to further progress onto the more challenging and difficult achievements within Simplicity


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