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sanguinesti last won the day on November 9 2023

sanguinesti had the most liked content!

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10 Okay

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  1. Awesome guide Syrex! This not only will help new players but also existing players in there endeavors. Thankyou for all your hard work putting this together!
  2. Welcome @ shiftynex I really hope you enjoy playing with us, If you need any assistance in-game please feel free to message me, I really look forward to seeing you in game. -Gim Sang
  3. I agree. if you are at all curious about anything please feel free to message me in game, I can't wait to see you. -Gim sang
  4. I think this is a wonderful idea, their could be a few issues in which would need to be targeted and fixed asap but if this was added in it would enhance the group iron experience and probably push more people to participate in the new game mode. Thankyou for the suggestion for gim, I'd personally love to see more.
  5. Owner Arthur - Use to be more active barely spoken to him recently due to whatever reasoning which is disappointing as he is a nice guy. Supreme - never met or spoken to supreme, it annoys me that he is never online but I respect he is busy a lot. Kevin - great guy funny to talk to but can sound threatening in situations that aren't threatening. Staff Manager Justin - barely spoken or seen Justin in game recently. I wish they were more active and player aware. Manager Lewis - Lewis is friendly, however he isn't as player orientated as other staff members. Athos - funny man but doesn't act too much like a staff member. Global Administrator Shiftynex - always seems aggressive in game and really pushy but does his job well and is very player orientated. Administrator Abe - abe is awesome, i've never had any bad experiences with abe. they are definently a keeper. Bernard - seems nice but noticed he doesn't help as much as I thought he would. Dro - only spoken to him once and I barely see him online. I would like that too change Dutch - always fantastic to talk to and great help when needed. #favourite. Rapiid ags - I have not seen much of rapid lately which is upsetting as he was always one of my favourite members of the staff. Global Moderator Heroic - always works hard and helps a lot however lacks the knowledge on how to speak to players in need. Minh - never really spoken to minh before except discord. Moderator Fastneasy only spoken to them once. seem nice. Tineepockets - don't really know who this is. Spud - always friendly and tries to help as much as possible, they should get rewarded for the effort. Server Support Cursed - don't see cursed nearly as much as other staff which could improve. Eboy111 - always very helpful although sometimes he is afk when someone asks for help unfortunately but he always does his best. Noki - nice and friendly, barely spoken to noki much but seems like an alright person. Trial Support Liquids - Liquids is very nice and helpful most of the time, unfortunately we don't get to see much of them which is dissaponting. Forum Manager - Forum Moderator -
  6. This idea has really made an impact on me, I believe having this in the game would be a spectacular idea. The same way as having melee it would provide a decent set bonus so ranged could keep up with melee and mage. Nice work Spud! love the ideas keep them coming.


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