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Mak3 last won the day on February 27

Mak3 had the most liked content!

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107 Elite


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  1. Mak3

    Dont login klient

    Hi @ zmeiarm Sorry you're experiencing client issues! If you are able to join our discord server and create a ticket under #support channel we can get this issue resolved for you. Mak3
  2. Mak3

    Client not loading

    Hi El Hunta! Sorry you're experiencing client issues! Are you in our Discord? If so create a #support ticket, it's the easiest & fastest method of communication with staff. Mak3
  3. Mak3

    Black Screen on Login

    Hey! Glad you got it resolved! In future it'll be easier to join our discord & create a support ticket there s that gets staff's attention a lot quicker! Mak3
  4. Pefect & straight to the point guide!! Keep up the good work! Mak3
  5. Hi @ god benimaru This sounds fun and interesting event! Please contact @ Slowasshonda via in game or discord to discuss the logistics of the event please Mak3
  6. Thank you for your realism suggestions! I'll forward all of your realism suggestions, feel free to suggest more as you think of them! We do have a section in our discord for suggestions as well, just type ?suggest (then your suggestion) in the general chat Mak3
  7. Hey! Sorry you can't get our client to load! if you are in our discord server that would be the easiest method for us to get your situation resolved. Mak3
  8. Thanks for these suggestions! I'll past them all onto the team & see which can be worked on and hopefully you'll see some of your suggestions implenmented in the near future Mak3
  9. Mak3

    Hola Amigos

    Most likely still will be XD
  10. Mak3

    Hola Amigos

    Welcome Austin!! Glad you found Simplicity! Moving to UK 👀 hope you bring warm clothes haha, shocking weather here compared to Turkiye! Any problems/questions just reach out to any staff member and we shall assist Mak3
  11. Hi King sorry you're experiencing these issues If you're in our discord can you create a #support ticket and we'll help there https://discord.gg/PsQg7Pyx Mak3
  12. Thanks for showing me never to open mine


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