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Ruhbeartoe last won the day on October 11 2020

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  1. Before crystal and/or onyx gets a rework, The sapphire zone needs a rework like badly.
  2. Ruhbeartoe

    Hey guys

    Welcome my friend, Don't be afraid to message if you have any questions!
  3. I always sell my elites because the mass amount of steps it takes to get the same loot as a normal clue, just not worth it i WANT NEW BOSSES but, they can only do so much as they work on everything as it is, including TOB with the extra bugs on top of everything else... I'm sure we will get something soon I would love to see more pets especially a callisto pet
  4. Mutated Tarn To get to tarn just do ::tarn or you can go to the Magic Book->Boss Teleports->Tarn When you are getting ready to fight tarn make sure to use your overload, and turn on your prayers before you teleport there. When you are ready hurry and get behind tarn and his demons before they spawn. ------------------------------------------------------- During the fight tarn will freeze you multiple times, And he will use a magic attack that hits twice, be careful this attack can hit 40+ 2 times, and he can hit you with a normal magic attack which counts as a total stack of 3 times being hit (this doesn't happen often but when it does you have a 70/30% chance of surviving, 70% being the chance to survive) ------------------------------------------------------- If you click the passageway you will simply be teleported home, which is a good trick for the hardcore ironmen who attempt this wretched boss. Gear/Supplies I am using Sacred Clay, Scythe of Vitur X, Angelic Boots, Ring of Bosses, Flame Gloves (e), Hydra Cape, and Necklace of Anguish (or) I haven't tried tarn much without this mid tier gear, but I am sure he is possible to do with pernix/blowpipe, or justiciar with a whip/regular scythe. Since i am a sapphire donator (to see donator bonuses you can do ::benefits in game) i don't need any prayer/super restore potions, so I only bring overloads and brews. The people that need prayer you should only bring 1 or 2 potions as you will not be in this fight long enough to really need more and i recommend bringing some rocktails to combo eat with the saradomin brews. I am also using the superior Zuk pet, The superior pets help A LOT on these hard bosses. They give unlimited soulsplit, so you can have a protect prayer on (like magic needed for tarns attacks) while also getting the affect of soulsplit from the pet. The superior pets you can get are Olm(raids), Vorkath, and Zuk(inferno). You can get these pets as a drop but they will be a regular version of the pet and you will need 50b to buy the superior scroll from the note trader in the edgeville bank to upgrade them. Hope this helps -Ruhbeartoe
  5. Do a few hundred wildy bosses, make some people wanna actually do them! maybe in the middle of killing venenatis or something you could wander off and kill callisto or even wildywyrm!
  6. Dude i suggested this myself im just waiting for approval!! I mean they can't deny this one.. can they?!
  7. Is that 115 bones with the ::well active or not active? And the prices always depend.. you could find hydra bones going for 100k sometimes! Good one though
  8. Wow you put this one together rather quickly comparing to how long the update has been out, Nice work man
  9. Nice guide bro, I hope the new players will make use of this i know i would have
  10. I absolutely LOVE these adds man i said something quite a few times about it This is exciting i hated walking to the shops all the time haha Cannot wait to see how lit this place is THANK YOU FOR MAKING INSTANT POS I LOVE YOU This is fun, Now our hardcores can try inferno and not worry about status being lost I'm grateful for this, I noticed this while maging the afk dummy, was weird that the lower level mage spell hit higher than the highest spell on the ancient spell book
  11. I would like to see more ranged and magic weapons/gear ingame and used, balance to everything is nice


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