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  1. Welcome to the Simplicity F-A-Q! (Use CTRL + F to find anything you have a question about below. You will most likely find your answer!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am having issues loading my client, how do I fix this? Windows: If you are having issues loading your client you can try 2 different ways to fix this. Either go to: https://simplicityps.org/play.html and download the Cache reset too and run the application to fix your Simplicity Cache or you can go to: C:\users\yourusername\.SimplicityCache and delete the folder and re-run the client. It will re-download the cache for you! Mac: Open up your safari then click the dropdown for safari on your top bar (left side) near the apple symbol. Click on Preferences -> Click on Privacy -> Click on Manage website data -> (it will take some time but will load the website data for all your websites) scroll down till you see (Simplicityps.org) select it -> then click remove. From there all you need to do is go to simplicityps.org and redownload the client. It should redownload the cache and you'll be able to login. I can’t move and it shows I have been compromised. How can I fix it? A lot of the time the reason you become compromised is because you are using a vpn when logging into SimplicityPS. Log out, turn off your VPN and try again! I don’t know where the rules of the game are. How can I find out what the rules are? While you are in-game you can type in ::rules Alternatively on the forums you can go to: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/topic/3-in-game-rules/ I want to donate in-game, how do I do this? You can donate one of two ways. While in Game you can type ::donate and it will bring up the Donate Page or you can go to the Simplicity Website and click the SHOP tab next to the simplicity Logo. Enter the correct username you are donating for and enter the amount you would like to donate. Once you are done Donating, in game with the same user type in: ::claim and you will get your donation points added to your character. Can I trade osrs gp/rs3 gp for items on Simplicity? No. However, we do accept osrs gp/rs3 gp for donations. Which can be used to acquire our Deals at the time, or goodiebags. Use ::benefits in-game to see our gp rates per $1. What are goodiebags? I always see Kevin, Lewis, Parker or Dutch doing these? Goodiebag is a limited time chance of getting a best in-slot item In-game only through donating. For the ::goodiebag you will need to donate $30 to participate. Usually you will see something like: “$30 gets Triple Shot Dragonstone SOV XI [1-10]”, or “$30 Light T-Bow, SOV XI or SANG X [1-12].” enter ::goodiebag now. Normally you have 30 mins to donate before that particular activated goodiebag expires. When you see something like this you can always PM the person promoting the ::goodiebag to also get a further look of what is inside the goodiebag. When you donate, you will be tele’d to that person. They will mix up the gear they have in their inventory and then they will ask you to pick a number between the numbers they were advertising. You will win the item that is in the slot number of what you have chosen. If you would like to know if there is a goodiebag happening at the time, type ::goodie or ::goodiebag in-game What are in-name donations? I see people buying or selling these. An in-name donation is simply Donating to someone else's Character in-game instead of your own. If you donate in someone else’s name you will get items in return or in-game cash. This will be up to you and the person you are buying the donation for. I want to vote. How do I do this? You can vote once every 12 hours. To vote in-game type ::vote and it will automatically bring up a webpage where you can enter your character name. Vote on all 5 websites. Once you are done voting, go back to the game and type in ::claimvote. Sometimes when the well in-game is active, you will get x2 the amount of vote scrolls. To see if it’s active, before claiming your vote type in ::well. I’m new and want to start making Money. Where can I start? While in-game you can type in ::thread 490 for beginner money making, or ::thread 1542 for an overall thread guide for beginners. Another good way to start if you have already got a little bit of gear before finding this FAQ you can go to ::lava. It drops 3m per kill. Type ::finddrop lava to find out what else it drops! If you are also a donator to the game you can find them north of ::di. Alternatively you can go here: Thread 490: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/topic/490-beginners-a-guide-to-money/ Thread 1542: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/topic/1542-all-in-one-new-player-guide/ How do I check what boxes drop certain items? While in-game, type in ::boxloots. All the boxes we have are categorised on the left hand side. Click each one to see drop rates and rarity of drop! I am doing a slayer task and don’t know where to find the monsters to kill for my task. You can Trade your Slayer master and under items you can buy a Slayer Ring. When you have bought it, you can right click the Slayer ring and teleport to your task. Are there any gear guides on the forums? Yes there is! While in game you can type ::thread 1112 and it will bring up the gear page. Alternatively if you are not online, you can go to: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/topic/1112-simplicity-gear-guide/ How do I check what items a monster will drop or where do I find out what monster that will drop a specific item? To find what a specific monster drops type in ::finddrop (Monstername) To find out what monsters will drop a specific item type in ::findmonster (itemname) Can I do a Drop Party or do a giveaway of items? You will need to confirm with a Admin or Higher Staff Member prior to doing a drop party or give away items as you do need authorization from someone in high staff to do a Drop Party or Give Away I am now level 92 fishing and want to fish rocktails. Where can I go to find them? You can click on the Farming Tab, Select Catherby Patches and run south east until you get to the Rocktrail Fishing Spot I am now maxed with all 99’s and still haven’t got the achievement. How do I get the achievement? You will need to go to Max at ::home bank and buy the max cape. After you have bought it you should get the achievement. What can I do with the Magic Chest at home? You can use a Magic Knife (::findmonster magic knife) and a Green Banana (::findmonster Green Banana) on the Magic chest at home. You can type ::boxloots and compare the loot of all 3 elite combat boxes to see what you can possibly get from the Magic Chest. When will there be a Drop Party and how will I know it’s on? The Drop Party will begin when the Server Orb has reached 100%. For it to reach 100% people would have Donated money to help Support the Server! You will be notified of the Drop Party by the person hosting it in Discord along with on the Server the host of the drop Party will let you know there is ‘X’ Minutes until the Drop Party. Does the Max Cape act as an Ava’s Device? Yes. Where can I find Mithril Dragons? They are on the second floor of Ancient Caverns. They can be found using the north eastern stairs at Ancient Caverns. Is there a way to easily find my slayer task? There is! You can buy a Slayer ring from your slayer Master by right clicking the master > Select Rewards > Items and you can buy a Ring of Slaying (8) for 5 Slayer Points. Once you have bought it, you can right click the ring while in your inventory and select rub. This will tele you right to your slayer task. Where is Dawn? Dawn is located in the Crystal Donator Zone. You need to be a Crystal Donator to be able to access this area. Check ::benefits in-game to find out more! Where are Lizardman Brutes? Another monster found in the Crystal Donator Zone. You need to be a Crystal Donator to be able to access this area. Check ::benefits in-game to find out more! Where is Ankou? Another monster found in the Crystal Donator Zone. You need to be a Crystal Donator to be able to access this area. Check ::benefits in-game to find out more! Where is Porazdir? This npc is found in the Onyx Donator zone, You need to be Onyx Donator to be able to access this area. Check ::benefits in-game to find out more! Where do I start the recipe for disaster quest? Start it by talking to the Gypsy in the little house next to the tent at ::home2 How do I start the Nomad’s Requiem Quest? Use the Teleport Tab under the Map and Select Minigames > Nomad’s Reqium. Where are the AFK Zones? Mysterious Herbs are picked and located at ::home just south of the bank. Magic Roots can be cut from the Christmas AFK Tree which spawns in different locations around ::home. Westerfish can be Fished from ::westerfish where the barrels are. Endarkend Juice can be filled at the AFK Fountain at ::afkzone. Gold Donators get access to ::goldtree to farm Gold Fragments and Ruby Donators get access to ::rubytree for Juniper Logs How much can I sell my AFK zone items for? You can sell them all the the shopkeeper at ::shops for the following prices each: Magic Root: $1,800ea. Mysterious Herb: $3,600ea. Wester Fish for $4,500ea. Endarkened Juice for $6,300ea. Gold Fragments for : $7,200ea. Juniper Logs for: $13,500ea. Where can I use a Stone Key? You can use the Stone Key south of ::hydra over the wall. You will need Level 90 Slayer to get over this wall. When you have gone over it you can use the Key on the Stone Chest that is open in the top right corner of the room. Can I trade Chaotic Items? No. All Chaotics are untradeable on the Server. What is the Cows event? I always see it active. The Cows event is an event that happens every day at 7:30am Server time, and 8:30am Server time during Daylight Savings of GMT + 1. The event is held by Dutch. During the event, you will need to bank all your equipment and inventory and carry 50m in cash on you. Type ::cows when you are ready. While there, you will use up 1m Cash per Minute. You will get basic gear that will drop from the cows to help you kill them faster to help you get those drops! Dutch will hide certain rare items in a Cow until someone gets the drop. Once done, another rare item will be placed in another cow. Once the event is over, you will be able to leave and return the next day! Can someone help me do Dungeoneering? Yes, however the most efficient way to do it would be to bring your own alternate account with you and leave it AFK in the first room. This will give you the multiplayer experience and dungeoneering token boost. The total amount of experience and tokens you receive is directly related to the total amount of damage you do inside the dungeon, so if you split the damage with someone else you get less experience and tokens. If you’re just starting out and need to find some Primal weapons to bind, try killing the 10 HP Wizards in the first room on “Complexity 3” then exiting the dungeon, all enemies have the same drop rate for weapons and armor and this is the largest group of low HP enemies. As far as which complexity to actually farm once you have the weapon and armor of your choice; the boss of “Complexity 1” gives Boss Points and is generally regarded as the best one to farm, however some people find “Complexity 4” to be superior because the enemies in it have a higher amount of total HP which yields more EXP and Dungeoneering tokens per run. Where can I get Charms? You either farm them or buy them. To find out which monster drops them, type in ::findmonster charmname. You can also buy a ‘Charm Box’ for by visiting Sir Vyvin and buy for 5 Voting points or visit the Trivia Point Shop and buy for 20 Trivia points from ::home bank. Where can I find Hill Giants? Simply type in ::edgedung in-game and you will be teleported to right where they are! Where can I find Dark Beasts? Simply type ::darkbeast in-game to teleport directly to them! Can I do slayer with a friend? Yes, absolutely! Simply teleport to your slayer master, Click trade and buy a “Slayer Gem”. Simply use that “Slayer Gem” on your friend and it will add you both into a party, Then proceed to get a task. Viola, you’re duoing slayer! There seems to be an issue with something in-game that shouldn’t be happening. What should I do? If you have found something that is considered a bug in your eyes please go to the Report a bug Section on forums and provide a description (with proof if possible) about what is happening. This part of the website can be found here: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/forum/73-report-a-bug/ I am having issues with my account. What can I do? If you are having issues with accessing your account you can do either of the following: Contact Kevin (Co-Owner) on Discord, create a #Support Ticket on Discord or go to the Account Recovery Section on the Forums. This can be found in the link below: https://simplicityps.org/community/index.php?/forum/74-account-recovery/ I am having issues with my donation. Who can I speak to about this? You will need to contact Kevin (Co-Owner) on Discord or in-game. There are very bad lag issues on the server, who should I contact? You will need to contact Kevin (Co-Owner) on Discord or in-game. How many waves is Jad or Inferno? Both of these bosses only have 1 Wave. Kill Jad, or kill Zuk. How do I find out the price of an item in game? Generally you can ask other players in the Help CC but you will find that at ::home bank there is something called a Player Owned Shop. Search for the item you would like to purchase in there. Simplicity has an ever changing economy on the prices of items. The price in the Player Owned Shop "POS" is going to be pretty close to the correct pricing. Which axe is better to use for Mining between the Inferno ADZE or 3rd Age Pickaxe? 3rd Age Pickaxe is better for mining over the Inferno ADZE. Where can I find Hellhounds? Found in Taverly Dungeon by typing in ::taverly. Run a little bit north until you see an opening on the left. In the middle of the opening there will be a “Strange Floor” Click it to jump over. When you are over, in the first entry way keep running north till you get to the hellhounds. Im new to the game, are there any promo codes or anything for starting out? Yes, you can find promo codes throughout advertisements on our voting websites or YouTube channels. These are easily accessed by typing ::vote in game or alternatively you can join our discord and navigate to #server-media. A friendly reminder as stated in our rules, players can only claim each variant promo code, ONCE.


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