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  1. Kevin - Kevin is dope, I messaged him in discord and he responded as soon as he could. He and the others have done a good job of not only creating a great game, but also building a great staff! Rob Macabre - I was having a problem with a promocode and Rob Literally spent like 10-15 minutes just trying to help me. He ended up going above and beyond since the promocode system wasn't working! This dude is a beast! Even donated big into the well late at night! THIS DUDE IS OG The Heavens -I came from Redemption RSPS and I had so many issues, now that I made it over here I have had nothing but fun gameplay. I could not have that if there I were getting booted every 10 minutes! Thanks man! R M B T - Honestly only saw him around the one time since I am only 1 day in, but he was very active in chatting and hanging with the community when I saw him. It shows a lot of leadership and attention to detail when you are so involved. Riv - You do an awesome job of keeping up with the forums, it is super clean and functions very well. Thanks for giving us a platform to share! Sezy - Never ran into you, but I have seen your name a lot in good context around the community, looking forward to meeting you in game some time! Disc Support - I can only assume by the name that you are the Discord Support guy, if that is the case I want to say I really appreciate you keeping up our discord channel. I haven't met you or anything but the discord channel is great! I have spoken to a few people on there and it is nice to have the platform!


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