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Average Price Guide (prices change alot)

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Ntho    115

to start of we all know the prices tend to change alot, staff will try to keep this updated as much as we can but we tossed a large margin in just to show fluctuation of prices, prices can always be lower or higher then the ones below. but this it more of an average price guide what these items tend to be around ingame the best way to pc will still always be using legacy pos. hope this guide helps ❤️ 



Melee Weapons

Ghrazi rapier 8-18b
ghrazi rapier x 15-30b
scythe of vitur 55-80b 
scythe of vitur x 110b-160b
scythe of vitur xi 250b-500b (this is the average for reg sov xis and some customs)


Mage weapons

sanguinesti staff 60-90b
sanguinesti x 300b-500b
nightmare staff no orb 1-3t
volatile orb 150b-700b
eldritch orb (rarer nm orb) 500b-1t
harmonised orb (rarer nm orb) 500b-1t


Range weapons

twisted bow 25-40b
dark twisted bow 35-50b (id recommend going fire tbow over this one always)
fire twisted bow 55b-70b
light twisted bow 90-130b 
ice twisted bow 170b- 240b
sirenic twisted bow 300b-450b
hand cannon x 60-100b


important Armors 

sacred clay pieces 25-50b a piece
ancestral pieces 10-50b a piece (hats are normally cheapest because twisted slayer helm)
nex pieces 1-3b a piece (these always tend to stay around this price)
sagittarian pieces 10b-30b
celestial doesnt really sell besides sets and are a wild set to price 350b-700b
dark clay set 1-3t dark sagi set 1-3t roseblood set 1-3t all depends on the amount of sets being sold



torture 30-70b
anguish 10-30b
occult 10-30b
rob 50b-70b(people will normally well before selling less then 50b
robi 280b-500b

angelic boots 35b-70b
flame gloves e 40b-80b (if higher should just buy feros, only used to make feros anyways)
fero gloves 70-110b (can be hard to find sometimes)

nex cape 25b-60b
hydra cape 40b-65b
vorkath cape 20b-60b
corp cape 20b-60b
raids cape 15-50b
verzik cape 50b-100b
nightmare cape 200b-400b (can always be lower aswell)
angelic cape 250b- 600b


cash scrolls averages
10$ 25-35b
20 50-70b
50$ 125-200b
100$ 250b-400b
mystery dono scoll 200b-400b


Boxes tab
mystery box 100-500m
legendary mystery 200-700m

warrior archery and wizard boxes 700m-1.5b

christmas box 6b-20b (will become wild prices after christmas event it over and no longer getting them but this is a good price range for them)

bronze box 300m-1b (shouldnt buy higher then these prices tbh)
gold mystery 1b-3b (high chance for 10 scroll in the 40 tab)
diamond mystery 5b-10b
sapphire 15b-25b
emerald 25b-40b
ruby 50-70b
onyx 100b-130b
crystal 200-300b

crystal vote box 50-150b (a new box so going wild in price)
superior combats 7-15b
elite boxes range from 2b-10b ea


junk items always asked about all can be put into this tab ranging from 5m-500m
serpentine helm/slayer helms/magma helms/zuriel/stasius/whips/bandos/arma/prims/pegs/eternal/steadfast/ragefire/glaivens/3rd age/zaryte/all spirit shields/vestas/godswords/sara swords/most clue cosmetics
toxic staff/toxic blowpipe/korasi

lower tier items that sell for alil bit 700m-5b
thams septer/flame gloves/magma blowpipe

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