If you have logged into the game and are experiencing issues with the game client loading correctly and can see something like below then your account has become nulled. Any Staff who is online will need to assist you with this as we have a workaround for this at the moment.
The BUG:
This happens if you logout in certain areas of the game (Still finding out all the locations) and also close your client. When you reload and try to log back in you will get the above. Sometimes depending on how long you have been logged out of the game for you may be able to fix this yourself. To try fix this yourself: While in game type ::home
This method only works if you have been logged out of the game for a short amount of time.
If you have been logged out of the game for an extended period of time (Roughly more than 2+Hours) this may not work for you due to the game prompting you to enter your bank pin. Having that up won't register the input ::home
If this does happen to you and ::home doesn't work, you will need to ask someone in staff to fix it for you while you are logged into the nulled character. You can do this in two ways:
-Create an alt in game by opening another game client and entering in a new character name and password. PM someone on staff (can see which staff is online by typing ::staff or click Clan Chat tab and anyone with a crown next to their name will be who you want to PM)
-If you aren't part of our Discord Community then join our Discord Server by going to: https://discordapp.com/invite/NjbEDNg
Once you have joined discord go to the Text Channels Section of the Server, click support and follow the prompts in that Section to open a ticket and someone in staff will be able to assist you.