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  1. 1 point
    Hello simp community! finally going to be making a guide to full tob since there isnt one ill try and keep it short and simple so everyone can understand it. so lets get started for starters the gear i always recommend to get is sagittarian and hcx as the best starter gear when going in full tob you can do it with lower gear itll just be harder to do these are just what i recommend to start you can of course use lower or higher end gear here is the prayers I recommend using throughout Melee Mage Range just make sure your are overloaded and have the timer so you dont brew your stats down through the raid Maiden phase this phase is pretty simple you'll need to avoid the blood splats she tosses out along with the blood orbs that float around. whenever she gets to about 50 percent health she will spawn spiders that will run toward her and heal her the way that I do it with groups is let her heal the first time then the second time she's at about 50-60 percent everyone unloads specs on her nice to have 1 person call out specs Bloat For bloat phase we send in one runner to attack and stay out of eye sight from bloat until he stops then everyone piles in and specs then if you don't get him the first stop you'll need to run avoiding eye contact for the flies and dodging the falling meat when bloat is moving he will randomly change directions aswell Nylocas Vasilias the first part of this phase is protecting the pillars and killing the little and big spiders. each color has its own attack style needed, blue is magic, green is ranged, and silver is melee. so for the first half your killing them with the correct styles, this part takes about 5-6mins depending on how fast with switches you are the second part of this phase is the boss phase. the only thing that matters on this phase is to make sure to attack with the correct style as above if you hit it with the wrong style you will take alot of damage and heal it Sotetseg phase For this phase its pretty simple will just be alot of brew chuggin start off by running across and attacking the boss. once he teleports you back to the start you can attempt the path, but most just run straight across while spam clicking brews to stay healed xarpus phase for the first part youll be running and covering the vents on the ground to stop the boss from healing and keep running to them until the boss stands up, one he stands up youll need to dodge the acid he throws and only attack when he is facing away from you if you attack when hes facing you you will take the damage verzik phase 1 For the first phase verzik can hit up to 112 so make sure to brew upto 115. some hide behind the pillars and attack from there aslong as your with a team the hits will spread out theres always a chance to get hit twice so make sure to stay above 115 health Verzik phase 2 this phase all you have to do is shoot then move to dodge most of the attacks its a simple phase if you run up to verzik in this phase she will hit with a melee attack and slam you back so if your using melee id use one of your switches at this phase verzik phase 3 this phase is just as simple as the last one just avoid the webs verzik shoots the little spiders just keep an eye on your health and brew when you have to All thats after is to loot your chest and hope for a purple chest! hopefully this guide helps and atleast gives you the general idea of how to do the full raid best of luck grinding out there - @ Ntho💛


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